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Are you preparing for the biggest storm in Industrial history?

Ashok Miranda

Winter is coming

Couldn't resist the Game of Thrones reference for all you GOT fans. Thoroughly enjoying the new season so far. More twists and turns than the road to Cameron Highlands!!

On a more serious note, winter is indeed coming for businesses that don't transform. In the past few weeks the message hasn't been clearer.

From repeated articles in the Straits Times Singapore to the SCCCI SME conference, the one key message that is resonating is 'transform or risk becoming irrelevant.'

So how does an SME go about this? It starts at the top with a desire to change. It's about re-programming the mindset of your people and rallying them around crafting the new vision, getting their input and buy- in.

Your people need to see what the transformation means to them.

It's a good time for some deep soul searching and introspection. To reflect on your PURPOSE and WHY you exist as a business.

Look over the horizon to see where the world is headed. See what you need to get there.

This is about your brand, your team bench strength, your processes and systems and how to engage a very savvy and smart customer.

We know change is the only constant, so embrace it. Transform and re-invent or wait for the White Walkers to come and destroy your castle. If you need a Jon Snow, I'm happy to help!

About the author

Ashok Miranda is a Business Transformation Architect and founder of Transform and Transcend. He is the author of the book: Culling Culturitis, How To Rid Your Company of this Toxic Disease and Build a Winning Company Culture.

As a speaker, consultant and trainer, he is passionately committed to architecting a better business world by building purpose-driven companies that nurture happy and engaged employees and positively impact peoples lives.

He connects the dots between company culture, branding, marketing and customer experience and works with business leaders, owners, founders and HR professionals to transform their companies for success in the digital age.



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